Want to do it yourself? First you need to create your favicon file. You can use your logo (or a portion of it), your chick graphic (zoom in on her though) or any image that you want. If you can Photoshop, just create a new 16x16px image and save it as your favicon in .png format on your computer. If you don't Photoshop, there are some online favicon generators that will do all the work for you. I have listed a couple below.
After you've gotten your favicon image saved, you'll need to upload it so you can get a URL. You can use sites such as Photobucket, Flickr, or Imageshack. You will need the link/URL to the image itself.
Then, follow the instructions below on how to replace the standard Blogger favicon with your very own fabulous favicon!
Here is how to replace the favicon for your blog:
- In your Blogger Dashboard, go to Layout>Edit HTML.
- Back up your existing template before making changes in case something wonky happens. (To back up your template, just select all the code, CTRL-C to copy and paste it in a text editor and save it on your computer.)
- Place the following code directly below the </head> tag in your template, substituting the URL (in red) with the URL to your image. (Your image may end in .png, .ico, or .jpg.)
<link href='http://yourimageURLhere.png' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/vnd.microsoft.icon' /> <link href='http://yourimageURLhere.png' rel='icon'/>
5. View your blog and you should see your new favicon! If you don't, refresh your browser and delete your cookies.
Here are a couple of online Favicon generators:
I'm going to try to do this tonight. I never knew there was a name for it.